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Mar 29, 2009


 Kieran Kane And Kevin Welch With Fats Kaplin - Everybody's Working For The Man Again (4:09)
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Taxman (3:31)

Spinner's Section:
Robben Ford & the Blue Line: you cut me to the bone
Rockin' Highliners: now that you're gone
James Hunter: kick it around
Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings: this ain't united...

Mar 22, 2009


This show is 90% word free!!

The Yardbirds - I'm Not Talking (2:33)
Jorma Kaukonen - Embrionic Journey (2:17)
The Fourth Lie (3:11)

Spinners's Section:
without words

Erja Lyytinen: skinny girl (E.Lyytinen) (Dreamlad Blues, Ruf, 2006) 3:05
Climax Chicago Blues Band: twenty past one (Climax) (-,...

Mar 15, 2009

Bandana Blues Show #283 Alphabet Soup with Spinner flying solo!!!


Ok... It's all Tilburg Slim and his Alphabet Soup Show while I have PC ...I'm always politicly Incorrect...
I mean my laptop studio is in the throes of either death or massive hardware replacement...we will keep you...

Mar 9, 2009


Robert Cray - Tomato - Too Many Cooks (2:50)
Reverend Horton Heat - Eat Steak (2:33)
 Spinners Section:         
cooking & eating

R.J. Mischo: R.J. come and get it (R.J.Mischo) (He Came To Play…, CrossCut, 2006)
Hoax: feeding time (Amor, Davey, Coltman, Davey) (Humdinger, Credible, 1998)

Mar 2, 2009


Rusty Wright Blues - Hell on My Heels(3:51)
Lee Michaels - Murder In My Heart (For the Judge) (3:38)

Spinner's Section:
good & bad

C.C. Adcock: y'all'd think she'd be good 2 me (C.C.Adcock) (Lafayette Marquis, Yep Roc, 2004)
Monti Amundson: bad day, rough weeks (M.Admundson) (The Mean Eighteen,...