Jan 14, 2018
Show #721
In BANDANA BLUES #721 it is
raining great tunes from last year and a few older ones.
So let your ears 'get wet' by enjoying the music.
01. Deb Ryder - Let It Rain
(4:55) (Let It Rain, Bejeb Music, 2015)
02. Lew Jetton & 61 South -
Mississippi Rain (3:39) (Rain, Coffee Street Records,
03. Kenny Neal - Blues Fallin' Down
Like Rain (4:21) (Blues Fallin' Down Like Rain, Telarc Blues,
04. Ray Bonneville - Cool Cool Rain
(3:46) (Goin' By Feel, Red House Records, 2007)
05. Kay Kay & the Rays - Cold Rain
Falling (3:56) (Big Bad Girl, Topcat Records, 2004)
06. Johnny Oskam - Waiting For The
Rain (5:34) (In My Shadow, self-release, 2017)
07. Chris Antonik - A Slip In The
Rain (4:15) (Monarch, self-release, 2017)
08. Wooden Horse - The Walking Rain
(3:58) (This Kind Of Trouble, self-release, 2013)
09. Gracie Curran & The High
Falutin' Band - Even With The Rain (3:19) (Proof Of Love, Lack of
Grace Music, 2013)
10. Jason Elmore & Hoodoo Witch -
Right As Rain (4:10) (Champagne Velvet, Underworld Records,
11. Jim Suhler & Monkey Beat -
Prayin' For Rain (5:01) (Live At The Kessler Theater, Underworld
Records, 2016)
12. King King - You Stopped The Rain
(6:18) (Live, Manhaton Records, 2016)
13. Dudley Taft - Summer Rain (5:49)
(Summer Rain, American Blues Artists Group, 2017)
14. The Kokomo Kings - Standing In
The Cold Rain (2:40) (Too Good To Stay Away From, Rhythm Bomb,
15. Alastair Greene - Rain Stomp
(3:04) ((Dream Train, Rip Cat Records, 2017)
16. Nicole Hart & Anni Piper -
Listen To The Rain Fall (Split Second, Blues Leaf Records,
17. Nico Wayne Toussaint - Paris
Rain (4:15) (The Mighty Quartet Live, Dixiefrog, 2013)
18. Tom Principato - The Rain Came
Pourin' Down (7:44) (Robert Johnson Told Me So, Redeye Records,
19. Webster Ave - Just Don't Need
The Rain (3:19) (Daylight, self-release, 2017)
20. Henry Whitter - Rain Crow Bill
[1927] (2:56) (Old Time Harmonica Classics, County Records,
21. Starlite Campbell Band - It
Started Raining (3:25) (Digital Stream or Download, self-release,