Apr 22, 2007
Joe Tex - Show Me ( from 25 All Time Greatest Hits CD 2000 on
Varese Sarabande )
Eli "Paperboy" Reed & The True Loves - Take My Love (from Eli
"Paperboy" Reed & The True Loves on the PodSafe Music Network)
J Geils Band - So Sharp (from Blow Your Face Out LIVE 1976 )
Cancer - Joe Jackson (from Night and Day A&M Records 1982)
Spinner's Section:
more live stuff
Anson Funderburgh & the Rockets: that's alright (Black Top
Blues-A-Rama, Vol. 1, Black Top, 1988)
Ratso & Switchblade: ain't eazy being cool (Playing With Rats,
Sphincter Records, 2001)
Ratso & Switchblade: black slacks (Playing With Rats, Sphincter
Records, 2001)
Paul deLay Band: you can make it if you try (Burnin', Criminal
Records, 1984)
Hoax: groove breaker (Live Forever, Credible Records, 1999)
Back to Beardo:
Paul Yates - Po' Boy (from Bar Productions
http://www.barpromotions.com.au )
Patty Griffin - Stay on the Ride (from Children Running Through
2007 ATO Records )
The Mannish Boys - Just To Be With You (from Big Plans 2007
www.deltagrooveproductions.com )
Dave Peverette - If You Be My Baby (from Rattlesnake Guitar: The
Music of Peter Green on Lightyear 1995 )
Check out www.aworldofblues.com and sign the petition if you love
internet music!!
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