Jan 13, 2019
Show #773
Play Some Blues
All new and recent music presented to you by your host Spinner.
01. Randy McAllister - Batter Up
(4:42) (Triggers Be Trippin', Reaction Records, 2018)
02. Katie Henry - Nowhere Fast
(4:20) (High Road, self-release, 2018)
03. Seth Rosenbloom - Right About
Now (5:36) (Keep On Turning, Holmz Music, 2019)
04. ElectroBluesSociety & Boo Boo
Davis - Evil (3:21) (Digital Download Only, KuvVer Records,
05. Travellin' Blue Kings - Ninety
Minutes (4:17) (Wired Up, Naked, 2019)
06. Chris Ruest - Sufferin' Mind
(3:58) (Been Gone Too Long, Enviken Records, 2018)
07. John Gaar - Slam That Door
(3:57) (Roll Like That, Jango Bleaux Records, 2018)
08. Robert Connely Farr & the
Rebeltone Boys - Blue Front Cafe (3:48) (Dirty South Blues,
self-release, 2018)
09. Bobby Blackhat Walters -
Overdose Of The Blues (3:37) (Put On Your Red Shoes, self-release,
10. Tomislav Goluban - Locked Heart
(3:52) (Chicago Rambler, Spona Records, 2019)
11. Paul Oscher - Blues And Trouble
(4:11) (Cool Cat, Blues Fidelity, 2018)
12. Chris O'Leary - Second Time
Around (7:03) (7 Minutes Late, American Showplace Music,
13. Benny Turner & Cash McCall - Got
To Find A Way (3:34) (Going Back Home, Nola Blue Records,
14. Vin Mott - Honey (3:03) (Rogue
Hunter, self-release, 2019)
15. In Layman Terms - I'm Somebody
(5:00) (Strong Roots, Endless Blues Records, 2018)
16. Dee Miller Band - I Sing The
Blues (7:00) (Leopard Print Dress, self-release, 2018)
17. Randy Casey - Six Feet Of Rain
(5:46) (I Got Lucky, Dharma Lab, 2018)
18. Ina Forsman - Miss Mistreated
(4:28) (Been Meaning To Tell You, Ruf Records, 2019)
19. Trevor B. Power Band - I Wrote
It Down (4:43) (Everyday Angel, self-release, 2019)
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be a labor of love.
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Any amount is much appreciated, no
matter how small.
Thank you.